Sunday, July 03, 2011

Day Thirty - A Song You Liked Last Year

I actually discovered this song (or more accurately this video) about two years ago. Yes the song is a nice song and I enjoy it .... but the video!!! Well if you know me you'll understand :D


Saturday, July 02, 2011

Day Twenty-Nine - A Song From Your Childhood

If I had to pick a song from my childhood I would say this is the QUINTESSENTIAL song from that era. For some reason I was OBSESSED with this song and would sing it constantly.

Why this song? No idea. It came out when I was 5 and I probably didn't fixate on it until a year or so later (when I was 6 or 7). I think at some point I probably had the 45 for it (and may still for all I know!).

My obsession with song was so rampant that my cousin actually posted on my facebook wall earlier this month that she heard this in the grocery store and IMMEDIATELY thought of me.

So I would say that 36 years later this is the song from my childhood!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Day Twenty-Eight - A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

OK I am seriously stretching the whole "guilty" thing here. Because, honestly, I can't think of a song that actually inspires guilt. But this is a great workout song and I really haven't been working out lately. Why? No real good reason but if I did I could certainly listen to this song more often!!!