Monday, July 27, 2015

So... still alive ... two ankles that work!

So, I'm still alive and you would think that having been home from mid-January until the beginning of April I might have blogged more. Somehow that didn't happen, which might not be too much of a surprise for those that know me.

But today I'm here to ask for money. My nicely repaired ankle and I will be going on a 5K (walk, not run) for NAMI (the National Alliance of Mental Illness) and I would love to ask for your support.

Since I'm pretty sure the 3 of you that read this blog, are also my facebook friends, please feel free to point anyone that isn't my facebook friend that you think would like to donate to my walk to this link.

Donate to my walk!

I will try to see if I can't manage to sit myself down and give a summary of the ankle recovery and what I've been up to since getting back to work later. But please, if you know of anyone that would be willing to contribute to this great cause, click the link!

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