Monday, August 07, 2006

No results yet

The fair hasn't even opened yet so no news on that front. I did finish a pair of socks today and amazingly, I took a picture and am blogging about it within hours (instead of months!)

The yarn is Regia Stretch which is 70% wool, 23% polyamid and 7% polyester. I call these my "teaching socks" because I made the first one while teaching one of the girls that worked for me how to knit socks. The second one finished really quickly. I started it Friday at lunch and finished it this morning. I got in some quality knitting time yesterday which turned out to be a movie day. There has been a lot of discussion about Monty Python and the Holy Grail on one of my knitting lists lately and I haven't seen it in ages so I ended up at Walmart yesterday afternoon to buy it. I watched that, The best of Gilda Radner and then I went to the drive-in. For at least a couple of months there is an awesome drive in in my neighborhood. Why for at least a couple of months? They are in negotiations to sell the property. I saw Pirates of the Caribbean (which had awesome makeup and special effects but was WAY WAY TOO long) followed by Me, You and Dupree (which was surprisingly good). I was able to knit for a while until the movies finally started, but after I dropped a stitch I quit.

The socks only used one full skein and a VERY tiny bit of a second (literally about 8 decreasing rows at the toe). The skeins are "normal" sized (50g) so usually there is a need for two balls per pair of socks. I guess the fact that I like my socks short is paying off. Of course now I need to figure out what to do with a not quite full ball of yarn.

I had considered toddler socks for my friend's little girl but think I may go for a pair of mittens. My online friend Ann, is having a mitten challenge so I was thinking I might try and see if I can get a pair of (small) mittens out of this.

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