Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day Thirteen - A Song that is a Guilty Pleasure

I love this song! Yes it is cheesy and screams the 70s but what can I say? Actually my hubby and I had a conversation one day that the lyrics aren't really all that dated. Yoga's hugely popular again and who doesn't want someone with at least half a brain?

Anyway, as far as I can tell there isn't an official music video for this song, which means I looked at A LOT of videos that people made up to go with it. Some of them were kind of funny (especially the one that didn't understand the line about in dunes on the cape) and some were just BAD.

I finally settled on this one because how can this post not be enhanced with the addition of the Solid Gold Dancers?

So if you like pina coladas, sit back and enjoy this song!

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