Thursday, June 09, 2011

Day Six - A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere

For some reason this one stumped me for a while. Then as I looked down at my shirt (Michael Stanley Athletic Department) I sufferd a D'OH!! moment and knew what song I had to pick for today.

I'm not sure you're ALLOWED to be from Cleveland and not love the Michael Stanley Band. And if there is one song that reminds me of a place it's this one. How could a song entitled My Town from a Cleveland legend NOT remind me of the place I called home for almost 42 years?

I just wish there were more Cleveland shots in the video.


Kimberly Corrigan said...

MS and the Resonators are taking on Donnie Iris after the Tribe/Pirates game today. I have been happily surprised how much I still love the old MSB tunes, including "My Town". Only would miss seeing them for AW in Oxford. Great pic!

mary said...

Kim, we had heard that and considered driving in for it tonight but it just didn't work for us schedule wise.